Soon afterwards, operations of interforniceal interpositum approach were successfully performed in6 patients with the tumors in pineal region and third ventricle. 选择6例松果体区、第三脑室肿瘤患者行经穹窿间中间帆入路手术治疗。
Conclusion Interforniceal interpositum approach is feasible for the tumors in pineal region and third ventricle, with satisfactory effects in clinical application. 结论经穹窿间中间帆入路手术治疗松果体区、第三脑室肿瘤技术上可行,临床应用效果良好。
The medial posterior choroidal arteries most frequently arose from the P_2A segments of the posterior cerebral arteries at the lateral aspect of the pineal gland, to enter the third ventricle. 脉络膜后内动脉,多起于大脑后动脉的P2A段,在松果体的外侧进入第Ⅲ脑室。
Results: 32 cases were located in pineal region, 10 cases in suprasellar, 4 cases in the third ventricle, 3 in the lateral ventricle and 1 in forehead. 结果:松果体区32例,鞍区10例,三脑室内4例,侧脑室3,额部1例。